20:45 19.11.2024

EIB provides EUR 14.5 mln in support of municipal projects in Mykolaiv, Dnipro

2 min read
EIB provides EUR 14.5 mln in support of municipal projects in Mykolaiv, Dnipro

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided EUR 14.5 million in support of municipal projects in the war-torn cities of Mykolaiv and Dnipro. The funds will be used to modernize water supply, sanitation and street lighting systems, the EIB press service said.

The press release notes that these EUR 14.5 million are supported by an EU guarantee and are part of the EIB Solidarity Urgent Response package, under which more than EUR 2 billion has been provided to Ukraine since 2022.

"1,000 days of war mark a grim milestone, yet they remind us of the unbreakable strength and resilience of the Ukrainian people as they continue to rebuild, work, and move forward despite immense challenges. The EIB's support remains steadfast — from restoring vital municipal infrastructure to fostering economic recovery. Together with our EU partners, we stand firmly with Ukraine, committed to supporting its journey to rebuild stronger and achieve EU membership," EIB Vice-President Teresa Czerwińska, who oversees the bank's operations in Ukraine.

It is reported that EUR 7.8 million of the allocated funds is directed towards the restoration and modernization of water supply, wastewater collection and treatment systems in Mykolaiv, which are serviced by the municipal enterprise Mykolaiv Vodokanal. This project will significantly advance the achievement of national and European wastewater treatment standards, improve the long-term sustainability and reliability of the system, and help address the water shortage caused by Russian shelling.

Dnipro will receive EUR 6.7 million under the EIB's "Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Program" to upgrade street lighting by replacing outdated sodium lamps with energy-efficient LED systems. These upgrades will reduce energy consumption, cut maintenance and operating costs, and improve safety by improving visibility for pedestrians and drivers.

"Today's EIB funding for municipal projects in Mykolaiv and Dnipro, guaranteed by the EU, will provide so much needed support for the recovery of the cities, making them safer and more resilient," Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Economy that works for people Valdis Dombrovskis said.