Starting price of Kyiv President-Hotel is UAH 330.1 mln, sale to be announced next week - SPF

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) has approved the value of the state-owned 100%, or 94,337,411 shares of PJSC President-Hotel (Kyiv) at UAH 330.112 million after an independent evaluation.
According to the website of the State Property Fund, the price of state shares in the hotel is approved by agency order No. 1718 dated November 16, 2015.
"The sale of the stake will be announced next week. At the same time, requirements for buyers and investment obligations will be promulgated," reads a statement.
According to the report, the nominal value of the said shares is UAH 94.337 million.
As reported, the State Property Fund of Ukraine by order No. 857 of June 15, 2015 included President-Hotel in the approved list of 30 objects of category E, the state share in which is to be privatized with the assistance of the fund and its regional offices in 2015.
The Cabinet of Ministers by decree No. 667-r dated July 17 included a 100% state stake of PJSC President-Hotel in the list of objects of state property that are subject to privatization in 2014.