13:01 01.02.2016

Govt registers bill on national commission for transport regulation

3 min read
Govt registers bill on national commission for transport regulation

The Cabinet of Ministers has registered a bill foreseeing the creation of the National Commission for Transport Regulation.

Bill No. 3835 on the state regulation in the transport area was registered in the parliament on January 28.

According to the document, the commission will regulate the tariffs for specialized services provided at seaports by natural monopolies and services paid as part of port fees. The commission will set tariffs for transportation of cargo (apart from tariffs for transportation of cargo by rail in international traffic), passengers and luggage by rail. The commission will also set a size of pilotage fees for vessels that use pilotage services.

The bill says that fines are foreseen for market players for the non-observation of requirements of the commission's officials.

According to the bill, the areas of operations of natural monopolies are the following: use of tracks, dispatcher's services, stations and other infrastructure facilities that ensure the movement of railway transport of general use, the management of air tariff, specialized services in river and sea ports, fish seaports and airport in line with the list defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The bill envisages that adjacent markets regulated under the bill are domestic and international transportation of passengers and cargo by rail, air, river and sea.

According to the bill, the key principles of the operation of the national commission are lawfulness, publicity, easiness of access and the openness of the regulation procedure; targeted nature of regulation, its focus on the concrete natural monopoly in the transportation area and entities operating on the adjacent markets in the transportation area; predictability of regulation for consumers and society; cooperation and fairness in decision making.

The key tasks of the regulator are the formation and realization of the price policy on the above-mentioned markets, the promotion of the creation of conditions for developing competition; the promotion of the effective functioning of the services markets in the transportation area; oversight of the observation of the effective tariffs.

The commission also permanently monitors the situation on the above-mentioned markets, draws up proposals to improve legislation on natural monopolies and submits them to the government, presents proposals on the singing of state contracts, drawing up standards and indicators for the quality of services; informs the public on its operation and operation of natural monopolies in the transportation area via mass media and cooperates with the relevant agencies of other states.