Interdepartmental working group creates roadmap for solving problems of long-delayed unfinished residential construction – MP Shuliak

More than 100,000 investors have not received housing for which they already paid, an interdepartmental working group created under the government is forming a roadmap for such problematic facilities, MP from the Servant of the People parliamentary faction, Head of the Coordination Council for solving problematic issues of urban planning Olena Shuliak has said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
The interdepartmental working group includes parliamentarians from all parliamentary factions and groups in the Verkhovna Rada, representatives of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission and the Kyiv City State Administration.
Shuliak said that, according to statistics from the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development, at the end of 2019, there were more than 150 problematic housing projects in Ukraine, this is more than 100,000 affected citizens who never received their housing.
"Today we are considering a lot of cases related to long-delayed unfinished construction in "micromanage mode". There is a quite optimistic vision of the completion and commissioning of such facilities, their connection to networks. In order not to switch to general words, I will say that work is underway to create a roadmap for problematic facilities," the head of the coordinating council for solving problematic issues of urban planning said.
The expert said that a systemic solution to the problem of long-delayed unfinished construction consists of two components: completion and commissioning of current facilities and prevention of such a problem in the future. At the same time, the issue of completion and commissioning should be solved by the central government and local government.
"The essential point is that we will not (and should not) finish building apartment buildings for taxpayers' money, it would be dishonest for the Ukrainians, who fill the state treasury and want their money to go to the development of the country," Shuliak said.
Many other options are being considered, she said. For example, the development of appropriate programs providing for completion at the expense of investors. Banks can help to complete the construction, but, of course, this presupposes favorable conditions for them, she said.
Shuliak singled out another option – the government's buyout of all problematic housing with compensation for investors and the subsequent transformation of unfinished construction into social housing for military personnel, displaced persons, and the like.
"As you can see, there are many options. Now the government, together with parliamentarians, representatives of banks and the expert community, are analyzing the situation to choose the best way to resolve this issue," Shuliak said.