There is critical shortage of internal electricity generation, situation with shortage will be difficult in next 6-8 weeks

The Ukrainian energy system is critically short of domestic electricity generation due to shelling by the Russians - imports are at a maximum, which does not solve this problem, and in the next 6-8 weeks, the situation with the deficit will be difficult, said general director of the electricity supply company YASNO Serhiy Kovalenko.
“We have a critical shortage of domestic electricity generation because of the Russians. It is so critical that even imports, at the maximum, do not solve this problem. In the next 6-8 weeks, the situation with the deficit will be difficult. In addition to the problems with generation described above, growth is increasing consumption," he wrote on Facebook on Monday evening.
Kovalenko also said that Ukrainian energy currently depends on solar and wind generation, so there are significant fluctuations within even one day.
He recalled that repair (preventative) work is being carried out at nuclear power plants.
“Currently, a new distribution logic between the regions of Ukraine has been working for several weeks now. This excludes the factor of critical infrastructure and others. There are still a few changes that must be introduced and it will work,” wrote the general director of YASNO.
Meanwhile, according to him, the schedules in Kyiv remained the same as there were six groups and “white,” “gray” and “black zones”.
“To plan your life, you should assume that there will be no light in the gray zones. Especially when the time falls during peak hours. We and the distribution system operator will report changes as quickly as possible. But for planning, it’s better not to count,” he emphasized.
In addition, in the event of a lack of electricity “in the white zone,” Kovalenko recommends filling out an electronic application on the networks website.