Freight traffic resumed at four checkpoints on Polish border; it to be open soon

Freight traffic on the Polish border has already been restored at the Shehyni-Medyka, Nyzhankovychi-Malchowice, Uhryniv-Dołhobyczow, Krakovets-Korczowa checkpoints, soon the passage of trucks will begin at other border crossing points, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Serhiy Derkach said.
"Traffic has already started at the checkpoints Shehyni-Medyka, Nyzhankovychi-Malchowice, Uhryniv-Dołhobyczow, Krakovets-Korczowa. In the near future, the passage of trucks will begin at other points," he said on Facebook on Monday.
The deputy minister expressed gratitude to his colleagues from the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure for the prompt resolution of the situation.
He also said the Polish Customs and Border Guard will not require any permits for bilateral transport.
"All Ukrainian vehicles carrying out bilateral transportation, in accordance with the transport visa-free regime, can freely cross the border," Derkach said.
Earlier, the State Customs Service announced the resumption of freight transport, which was stopped at 00:00 on Monday night.
Previously, it was reported that Poland had suspended the passage of Ukrainian trucks due to the lack of permits for international cargo transportation.
The Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure (Ministry of Reconstruction) said it notified the European Commission about the suspension of traffic at Polish checkpoints. Derkach clarified then that the agreement on the liberalization of freight transport between Ukraine and the EU came into force on the day of signing on June 20. At the same time, according to the deputy minister, there is a transition period until July 10, which allows carriers to adapt to the new rules.
The transport visa-free visa, which expired on June 30, 2024, was extended until June 30, 2025 and for another six months, provided that "neither party declares disagreement on the basis of convincing and clear evidence of violations in the automobile market transportation."
The visa-free transport agreement was signed by Deputy Minister Derkach and EU Commissioner for Transport Adina Velyan. The updated document contains a safeguard clause that allows the agreement to be suspended in certain geographic areas where serious disruptions to the trucking market have been observed.