18:18 17.09.2024

Defense Ministry's new defense management model based on NATO standards to be tested in AFU

2 min read

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has developed a new model of the planning, programming, budgeting and execution process (Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution) in order to support the adoption of informed management decisions in the defense sphere.

As reported by the Defense Ministry's press service, the pilot implementation of the new model will be carried out on the basis of a certain type of a separate branch of forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the end of 2025. After the adoption of the relevant amendments to the current legislation, the model is planned to be extended to all components of the Defense Forces.

"The new approach, among other things, involves planning the development and maintenance of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and subsequently other components of the defense forces, for the medium (five years) and long-term (ten years) perspective," the ministry said.

It is indicated that the aspects of this model are a clear distribution of expenses in key areas based on a multi-criteria analysis of the development of defense capabilities. Such analysis is used to calculate the cost of each capability taking into account the actual needs for resources. Determination of the life cycles and effectiveness of weapons and military equipment for each type, individual branch of the Armed Forces.

By the end of this year, the target model for the transformation of the defense management system and the roadmap for the implementation of the model process will be sent for review to interested executive authorities and specialized committees of the Verkhovna Rada.