Orbán: Choice to continue fighting or not is solely decision of Ukrainians

Ukraine is a sovereign country, and whether to continue fighting in the war or not is solely the decision of Ukrainians, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said.
"As for what Ukraine should do… it is not my job to answer this question. Ukraine is a sovereign country. Hungary is a sovereign country. What Ukraine will do is solely the responsibility of Ukrainians. They decided to fight, and they fought heroically in any case. It is their decision to continue or not," he said at a press conference after an informal meeting of EU heads of state and government in Budapest on Friday.
According to Orbán, what he is doing is trying to isolate his country from the danger of war and a possible deterioration of the situation, which could have a negative impact on Hungary.
"In July, I went to Kyiv and Moscow. I was heavily criticized for this… but I was not in Ukraine to convince Ukrainians to do anything. I was simply trying to explain to the president: 'Please, my friend, time is not on your side, and I am ready to help you somehow achieve a ceasefire and then a lasting peace.' I was refused, the president said: 'Viktor, this is not my point of view," the prime minister said.
After that, as Orbán noted, realizing that neither of the warring parties is ready for a ceasefire, and both are convinced that time is on their side, he continues his efforts to organize "the broadest possible pro-peace international climate."
As Orbán pointed out, he would "never dare to say what Ukrainians should do with their country, their future, their life, a sovereign country."