European Solidarity: Authorities planning to completely block deputy activities of Poroshenko

The European Solidarity Party has issued a statement about "political pressure and selectivity" towards their leader Petro Poroshenko in connection with the scheduled meeting of the Verkhovna Rada's regulations committee on Thursday regarding a complaint about an alleged insult to one of the Servants of the People in a private dialogue.
"According to information from European Solidarity, Bankova has instructed Servants [of the People Party deputies] to completely block the parliamentary activities of opposition leader Petro Poroshenko and deprive him of the opportunity to participate in the plenary session of the next session, that is, for six months," the party said in a statement posted on its official website on Thursday.
It is reported that "a regulations committee meeting is scheduled for today regarding a complaint by MP Poturaev, who demands that Poroshenko be deprived of the right to attend a plenary session (recall that in wartime, a continuous session lasts the entire session, that is, from February to August) for allegedly insulting the Servant of the People MP Yaremenko in a private dialogue."
European Solidarity states that according to their information, the Office of the President called the deputies - members of the rules committee, in order to "ensure turnout and correct voting."
"Obviously, this is another link in a series of actions by the authorities to systematically discredit and obstruct the activities of the opposition leader. First, they blocked international business trips and contacts, disrupted meetings with the military and prevented the transfer of weapons and equipment to units of the Defense Forces (...) Now they want to block parliamentary activity and the possibility of speaking and working in the session hall," the statement says.
European Solidarity says it considers these actions by the authorities as political pressure and selectivity.
"Bankova and the 'servants' are hindered by Poroshenko, the EU, the military, and everyone who is capable of critical thinking, demanding responsibility from the authorities and a real, not façade, fight against corruption. The authorities, which are rapidly losing public support, instead of dealing with war issues, are preparing for elections and have begun by clearing the political field and their competitors, whom they see as the military and the opposition in the person of Poroshenko and European Solidarity," the statement says.