20:31 01.10.2013

Ukraine to harmonize its food industry with EU technical regulations in year or more, says ministry

1 min read

The Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry of Ukraine hopes to harmonize the country's food industry with the European Union's technical regulations as soon as Ukraine signs the Association Agreement with the EU.

"I'm sure that we will harmonize all technical regulations and all conditions with the EU within a year or a year-and-a-half," Ukrainian Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk said at a press conference in Kyiv on Tuesday.

He noted that Ukraine and the EU would have to agree on more than 1,500 technical regulations in the industry.

The minister added that Ukraine and the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Poland have a memorandum on cooperation under which Poland will provide assistance to Ukraine in the process of approving standards.

Prysiazhniuk also said the ministry was drawing up a memorandum of mutual understanding with the Customs Union to coordinate technical standards.

As reported, the government of Ukraine approved the draft Association Agreement with the EU on September 18. The president is yet to sign the document.

Kyiv hopes to sign the Association Agreement during the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius on November 28-29.