State quota at Ukrainian colleges to expand for IT specialists – minister

The state quota at Ukrainian educational institutions this year would be expanded for IT specialists and decreased for lawyers and economists, Ukrainian Education and Science Minister Liliia Hrynevych has said.
"The state quota for IT specialists would be sharply increased. We offer over 1,000 additional jobs as part of the state order for IT specialists. The state order for lawyers and economists would be reduced," she said at a briefing in Kyiv on Monday.
The minister said that in 2016 the highest and lowest state order limit for educational institutions would be approved. If applicants with high marks from standardized external testing select an educational institution, these institutions will be able to expand state order, but within 20% of the preliminary set limit.
Hrynevych also said that Ukraine is not reducing its state quota, as the number of graduators from general educational institutions decreased by some 8% and the state quota was reduced by only 6%. She said that over UAH 16 billion would be provided to finance the quota in 2016, or 6.16% more than in 2015.