NABU receives full access to e-declaration register

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) on May 10 received the full access to the unified register of declarations of persons authorized to fulfill functions of the state or local self-governance.
The press service of NABU said that from now on detectives and analysts from NABU have a chance of processing all data from the register via the closed cryptographed network from the bureau's offices. This facilitates and speeds up the analysis of e-declarations of persons under investigations conducted by National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
NABU said that the bureau's access to the automated information and reference systems, registers and databases belonged to the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) is envisaged in the memorandum signed by the two agencies.
At present NABU detectives are investigating into over 40 cases launched, including after the inspection of e-declarations.