09:53 01.12.2017

Manafort agrees to post almost $12 mln in property in bail deal

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Manafort agrees to post almost $12 mln in property in bail deal

Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman to Donald Trump accused of money laundering, reached a new bail agreement with prosecutors in which he would forfeit four properties worth $11.7 million if he fails to appear in court, Bloomberg has reported.

Under a deal made public Thursday, November 30, Manafort would be released from electronic monitoring and home confinement in Alexandria, Virginia. He could travel among Florida, New York and Virginia, where he has homes, and Washington D.C., where he must make court appearances.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller agreed to the bail terms, which need the approval of U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, according to a filing by Manafort's lawyers.

Manafort and a business associate, Rick Gates, are accused in an October 27 indictment of lying to U.S. authorities about their work in Ukraine, laundering millions of dollars and hiding offshore accounts. Both pleaded not guilty on October 30.

They are the first ones who are accused under Mueller's investigation into Russia's possible meddling into the U.S. presidential elections in 2016.


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