
Only OCU temple in annexed Crimea to be expropriated by occupiers — archbishop

Archbishop of Chernihiv and Nizhyn Eustratius (born Zoria) has said the Russian occupation authorities in Crimea have told the parishioners of a temple belonging to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) in Simferopol "to vacate the premises."

"Archbishop Kliment and the faithful of the St. Volodymyr and Olha Temple in Simferopol are asking for prayers from everyone—the occupiers have sent a notice of requisition 'to vacate the premises,'" Archbishop Eustratius wrote on his Facebook page.

He said there is a threat of destruction of the only Orthodox church in Simferopol.

"Obviously, this is Moscow's revenge, in particular, in response to His Grace’s human rights activities," the archbishop said.
