Ukraine calls on intl partners to support its demand for provision of materials on downed UIA plane promised by Iran

Minister of Infrastructure Vladyslav Krykliy during the Safer Skies Forum within the Canadian government's international initiative Safer Skies said that Ukraine is committed to fairness and an objective investigation of the plane crash of flight PS752 of Ukraine International Airline (UIA) in Tehran.
According to the Infrastructure Ministry of Ukraine on Tuesday, Krykliy said during the forum that the Ukrainian investigation has not yet received the materials and evidence promised by Iran on the investigation of the plane crash of UIA flight PS752, which was shot down on January 8, 2020 near Tehran.
"We highly appreciate the support of our partners from Canada, the United States, France, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries, which made it possible to achieve results in the investigation of the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17. At the same time, the Ukrainian investigation has not yet received the materials and evidence on the investigation of the plane crash of flight PS752 promised by Iran. Therefore, I ask our partners to support Ukraine in striving for justice. We are all interested in an objective investigation of this case," the minister said during the forum. According to him, based on the results of the final report on the investigation of the MH17 crash, Ukraine, together with other states, actively participated in the development by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) of new standards and recommendations for airspace management and aeronautical information, taking into account risk assessment in conflict areas.
"We have introduced specific guidelines for assessing the level of threat to the security of civil aviation in Ukraine. This applies to both flights over or near conflict areas, and intentional or unintentional attacks on civil aviation. Also developed and implemented procedures for determining the airspace, where flights of civil aircraft are prohibited or restricted under certain conditions due to threats arising in conflict areas," Krykliy said.
He also said that Ukraine is continuously taking measures to improve the procedures and technical components of Civil-Military ATM Coordination, including with the aim of early warning and prompt response to threats.
"We fully and unconditionally support the initiative to develop best practices for managing the risks associated with conflict areas, both globally and at the national level, as well as at the government and local levels," Krykliy said.
The forum was also attended by President of the ICAO Council Salvatore Sciacchitano; Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands Cora van Nieuwenhuizen; U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Lan Chao; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Canada Chang Keung Ryong; Permanent Representative of France to the Council of ICAO, Ambassador Laurent Pic; Member of the Dutch Security Council, Professor Marjolein van Asselt.