NABU responsible for bringing six ministers, their deputies, 11 heads of central executive bodies, 65 judges to criminal responsibility – Sytnyk

During the work of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), six ministers and their deputies, 11 heads of central executive bodies and more than 65 judges were brought to criminal responsibility, said NABU director Artem Sytnyk.
"If talking briefly about the results that were made jointly by prosecutors, detectives and already judges, then in the short period of time that we exist, six ministers and their deputies, 11 heads of central executive bodies, more than 65 judges were held liable. This, I think, is a huge problem for the political elite and, accordingly, this causes a certain reaction in the form of attempts to somehow stop this work. These attempts concern not only the Anti-Corruption Bureau, but the anti-corruption system in general," Sytnyk said at the conference "Democracy in action: Zero corruption conference" on Tuesday.
He explained the attempts to deprive him of his post by the fact that, despite the fact that a long time has passed since the Revolution of Dignity, the creation of anti-corruption bodies, the political elite is not ready for the fact that a system is functioning in the country that holds accountable for corruption," regardless of where you work, what political force you belong to and what position you hold."
"For six years of work, we have sent our requests for international assistance to 75 countries of the world. One can only imagine the scale of Ukrainian corruption and the number of countries that were somehow involved in corruption flows. Traditionally, most of all we send requests to Germany, Great Britain, U.S., Latvia and other countries," Sytnyk explained.
The NABU director noted that more than $120 million, EUR 8 million, more than 3 million Swiss francs were arrested abroad.
"These are serious amounts that could be returned to Ukraine," he said.