Court ends investigation in murder of Voronenkov, proceeds to debate

On August 11, the court completed the examination of evidence in the case against two persons accused of complicity in the premeditated murder of former deputy of the Russian State Duma Denis Voronenkov, and proceeded to debate, Kyiv city prosecutor's office said on Facebook.
"During the debate, the prosecutor asked the court to find the accused guilty of complicity in the commission of the premeditated murder of Denis Voronenkov out of mercenary motives by a group of persons, committed to order (Part 5 of Article 27, clause 6, 11, 12, Part 2 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and in addition, to find one of the accused also guilty of illegal possession of weapons, sentencing the latter to three years in prison (Part 1 of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)," the prosecutor's office said.
At the next session, the court plans to hear the defense.
As reported, Voronenkov was killed in the center of Kyiv on March 23, 2017. The killer Pavel Parshov was wounded by the former deputy's bodyguard and subsequently died in the hospital. The murderer Voronenkov had an accomplice, Yaroslav Levenets, since 2012 wanted for economic crimes. Yaroslav Tarasenko is also suspected of complicity in the murder; he was arrested on July 16. Another detainee, Aleksandr Los, was a co-organizer of the crime together with Levenets, namely, he organized two drivers and a killer. Tarasenko was the driver of the Lanos in which the killer arrived.