Health Ministry proposes to give more rights to vaccinated people amid quarantine

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is preparing changes to the quarantine resolution, which proposes to give more rights to vaccinated citizens during the quarantine restrictions of the "yellow" and "red" zones, Health Minister Viktor Liashko said during a government meeting on Wednesday.
"Following the practice of European countries and the United States, we propose to bring the quality of life of the vaccinated population closer to normal. Therefore, we and the ministries began work on amendments to quarantine standards to strike a balance between protecting the population from coronavirus and its well-being. In particular, we envisage that most of the restrictions peculiar to 'yellow' and 'red' level of epidemiological danger will not be applied if personnel or visitors of these establishments are vaccinated," he said.
At the same time, according to the minister, one dose of the vaccine will be enough for the "yellow" level of epidemic danger, and for the "red" level, it will be necessary to undergo a full course of vaccination.
"For example, the work of educational institutions in the 'yellow' zone will not be limited, provided that 80% of employees have a vaccination document with at least one dose," added Liashko.
The minister stressed that the new restrictions would come into force at least a week after the government's consideration.
"Only when the resolution comes into force, and this is at least seven days from the moment of consideration at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, we propose to convene the National Commission on Commission on Environmental Safety, Manmade Disaster and Emergency Response, which will consider the issue of establishing a 'yellow' level in the country. By that time, everyone, in particular educational institutions, will continue to work according to the rules of the 'green' level," Liashko explained.