14:25 28.02.2022

Paperwork procedures for women, children crossing borders in western direction simplified - State Border Service

2 min read
Paperwork procedures for women, children crossing borders in western direction simplified - State Border Service

The procedure for registering women and children when crossing the border in the western direction has been simplified as much as possible, according to Andriy Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"The procedure for clearance at the state border after Russia's invasion of Ukraine with an increase in the flow of people in the western section was simplified as much as possible by the State Border Service. We are grateful to partners from the EU countries, who also simplified the conditions for entry for Ukrainian citizens. Women and children are processed as quickly as possible in order not to there were delays during registration," Demchenko told Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

He stressed that the passenger traffic has increased many times, but both the border guards of Ukraine and the border guards of neighboring countries ensure the clearance procedure as quickly as possible.

"At the same time, we do not require the entire list of documents that is defined by law for crossing the state border. For children, this can be a birth certificate, internal passports. The border guards of neighboring countries also agreed to this," Demchenko said.

According to him, the largest flow is now observed on the border with Poland.

"We appeal to citizens with a request to monitor the situation with regard to the workload of checkpoints at all sections with the EU countries in order to choose a more optimal route for themselves and not load one section," Demchenko said.