17:44 03.03.2022

Ukraine suspends possibility of gas exports

1 min read

Ukraine has suspended the possibility of exporting natural gas from the country's territory, the press service of Ukrtransgaz, the operator of underground gas storage facilities, has reported.

"The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine has banned market participants from exporting natural gas from the customs territory of our state. This also applies to gas stored in Ukraine's underground gas storage facilities in the "customs warehouse" mode," the company said in a statement.

The restrictions were introduced by order No. 99 of the Ministry of Energy dated March 3, 2022 in connection with the conduct of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

In addition, the company suspended the publication of recent information on the operation of underground gas storage facilities on the company's official website. A full-fledged publication of all data on the work of the UGS operator will be restored after the end of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.