20:53 08.03.2022

Russian invaders vandalize 61 hospitals since start of war – Health Minister

1 min read
Russian invaders vandalize 61 hospitals since start of war – Health Minister

Russian occupiers have vandalized 61 hospitals since the start of the war, Health Minister Viktor Liashko said on Monday, while on March 6 he announced 34 such hospitals were damaged.

"Since the beginning of hostilities, the occupiers have vandalized 61 hospitals," the Minister of Health said during the telethon on the 1+1 TV channel.

Liashko specified that in these hospitals, as a result of shelling, windows were broken, walls and medical equipment were damaged. In particular, the emergency department, which was opened in 2022, was destroyed in one of the hospitals.

Liashko stressed that such actions violate all international conventions, and he constantly informs responsible international structures, including WHO, about such cases.

At the same time, the minister clarified that thanks to coordinated actions, the work of the healthcare system does not stop, and hospitals do not close.