14:34 01.02.2023

SBU exposes Defense Ministry's Procurement Department ex-head on over UAH 100 mln embezzlement

2 min read
SBU exposes Defense Ministry's Procurement Department ex-head on over UAH 100 mln embezzlement

The State Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has exposed the ex-head of a department of the Ministry of Defense of embezzling more than UAH 100 million of public funds, the SBU said.

"SBU officers exposed the former head of the Department of Public Procurement and Supply of Material Resources of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on embezzlement of public funds," the SBU reports on its Telegram channel on Wednesday.

According to the investigation, the official purchased almost 3,000 bulletproof vests for the Armed Forces of Ukraine for more than UAH 100 million. However, according to several independent examinations, these products do not meet the requirements of class fourth body armor and do not properly protect Ukrainian soldiers, the SBU said.

According to the SBU materials, the official was declared suspected under several articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, namely: Part 1 of Art. 114-1 (obstruction of the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations); Part 5 Art. 191 (appropriation, embezzlement or possession of property by abuse of official position); Part 2 Art. 28 (commission of a criminal offense by a group of persons).

The sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of five to eight years. The issue of choosing a preventive measure is being decided, according to the telegram channel.

In addition, the SBU said the service is investigating other officials in the security and defense sector who may be involved in illegal activities and harm state security. This is a set of measures aimed at strengthening the defense capability of our state.

Measures to expose the offenders were carried out by investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the SBU and employees of the Main Directorate for Countering Systemic Threats to the Government of the SBU under the procedural leadership of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the military and defense sphere of the PGO.