15:20 04.02.2023

Ukrainian tank crews to start training in Poland in several days – Polish Defense Minister

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Ukrainian tank crews to start training in Poland in several days – Polish Defense Minister

 In several days, Ukrainian tankers in Poland will start training on tanks provided as part of Western military assistance, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak has said.

"Ukraine is expecting an intensification of the Russian offensive, so obtaining heavy weapons that can protect Ukrainian soldiers is very important, it's a key issue. We have collected declarations in the Tank Coalition case. But in order for this to come true as soon as possible, we decided to meet in the middle of February in Brussels. The most important thing now is to start training Ukrainian soldiers on these tanks. Such training will begin in Poland, in just a few days," Błaszczak said at a joint press conference of the defense ministers of Ukraine and Poland on Friday.

According to a press release from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the heads of the defense departments of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland discussed issues of strengthening the capabilities of the Ukrainian defense forces, in particular, conducting training missions of the Ukrainian military in Poland.

Earlier it was reported that Poland will provide Ukraine with 60 tanks, 30 of which are PT-91 Twardy, and 14 Leopard-2.


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