14:22 12.04.2023

Zelenskyy signs law on ensuring right of Ukrainians to pensions under martial law

2 min read
Zelenskyy signs law on ensuring right of Ukrainians to pensions under martial law

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Law of Ukraine No. 2981-IX on amendments to the law of Ukraine on compulsory state pension insurance on the assignment of pensions to persons living in the temporarily occupied territory or in the territory where hostilities are conducted, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada Rada on March 20, 2023, the press service of the Head of the Ukrainian State reports.

This document is aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of the right of Ukrainians to pensions under martial law.

"Citizens who have reached retirement age, or become persons with disabilities, or who have lost their breadwinner and live in the temporarily occupied territory or in the territory where hostilities are taking place, are faced with the inability to receive a pension. Thus, they cannot directly apply to the Pension Fund of Ukraine or submit an application and supporting documents through the PFU electronic services web portal due to the lack of the Internet and Ukrainian mobile communications in the occupied territories," the message reads.

The adopted law calls for resolving this problem, in particular, providing that during the period of martial law and within three months after its termination or cancellation, a pension is assigned regardless of the date of application.

According to the adopted law, the pension will be assigned: by age - from the day following the day of reaching retirement age; in connection with disability - from the date of establishment of disability; in connection with the loss of a breadwinner - from the day following the day of the death of a breadwinner, as well as for length of service - from the day following the day of dismissal from work giving the right to such a pension, but not earlier than February 24, 2022.

The norms of the law also apply to citizens living in the temporarily occupied territories or in the territories where hostilities were fought and left them.