Vitali Klitschko: Support for Ukraine and restoration of peace is one of the key topics at the world summit of mayors in Denver

One of the key issues on the agenda of the first Cities of the Americas Summit in Denver is the return of peace and support for Ukraine. This was announced on Friday by Mayor of the city of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko on his Telegram channel.
"The world congress of mayors. A group of Ukrainian mayors is also participating in the discussion of the key challenges that exist in the world today. And one of the key issues is the return of peace and support for Ukraine. We raise this issue and do our best to make support for Ukraine even stronger," Klitschko said.
He wrote that about 2,000 city mayors and representatives of local self-government from 35 countries are taking part in the Summit.
"At the Cities of the Americas Summit, we are talking about the recovery assistance that cities of different countries can provide to Ukrainian cities. After all, it is local self-government, its development and cooperation between cities that is the idea of this Summit, which is being held for the first time at the initiative of the U.S. Department of State and with the support of USAID," the mayor of Kyiv said.
Klitschko met with Special Representative of the U.S. State Department for City and State Diplomacy Nina Hachigian. We talked at the main platform of the Summit about the role of cities in global leadership and local self-government as the basis of democracy, he said.
Klitschko also met with U.S. Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose W. Fernandez. It was about the future restoration of Ukrainian cities and reforms that need to be implemented in Ukraine.
Klitschko plans to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and mayors of several American cities soon.