19:13 02.05.2023

Cases of forcible abduction of pro–Ukrainian civilians continue in temporarily occupied territories – AFU General Staff

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Cases of forcible abduction of pro–Ukrainian civilians continue in temporarily occupied territories – AFU General Staff

 In the temporarily occupied territories, the Russian occupiers continue to forcibly kidnap pro-Ukrainian civilians, and also equip new dungeons for the detention of the abducted, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

"In particular, Russian terrorists have set up one of these dungeons in the police department of the temporarily captured Chaplynka of Kherson region. Up to ten civilians, including minors, are being illegally detained there at the moment," the report published on Tuesday evening says.

It is noted that the occupiers keep people "in cruel, inhuman conditions", and also use torture against them.

There are also cases when Russian invaders tortured the abducted to death.


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