11:46 05.05.2023

URCS pays cash assistance to over 137,000 people this year

1 min read
URCS pays cash assistance to over 137,000 people this year

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) this year paid financial assistance to more than 137,000 citizens.

"From the beginning of the year (from January to March inclusive), more than 137,000 Ukrainian citizens received payments from the Ukrainian Red Cross Society for a total of $9.2 million," the URCS said on the organization's website.

Most payments were made on the territory of de-occupied Kherson region, where almost 75,000 Ukrainian citizens received financial assistance. In Mykolaiv, Kharkiv and Donetsk regions, more than 50,000 people received such payments.

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is one of the top three cash aid payers in 2023, according to a released update by the national working group on cash assistance, where the URCS co-chairs with OCHA Ukraine (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) and IOM Ukraine (International Organization for Migration).