Almost $500,000 more seized in suspicion case of ex-head of Supreme Court – NABU

Almost $500,000 more was seized in the case on suspicion of former Chairman of the Supreme Court Vsevolod Kniazev, convicted of bribery, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) reports.
"NABU and SAPO (Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office) during the search seized a large amount of cash in almost $500,000, hidden by the participants of the crime in the case on suspicion of the Chairman of the Supreme Court. Now NABU and SAPO are investigating the source of origin and ownership of these funds," NABU said on the Telegram channel on Tuesday.
It is reported that the search was conducted on May 22 as part of a pretrial investigation into the receipt of $2.7 million of illegal benefits by the Supreme’s Court Chairman and the lawyer. The money was transferred to the Chairman of the Supreme Court in exchange for a decision in favor of one of the Ukrainian businessmen.