Rada adopts law on instruments of democracy at local level

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted at second reading amendments to the law On local self-government in Ukraine, introducing a number of instruments of democracy at the local level, Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning Olena Shuliak said.
Corresponding bill No. 7283 was supported by 317 MPs at a parliamentary meeting on Thursday.
"We are clearly aware that some legislative changes necessary for the implementation of the principles of democracy have been 'sagging' for many years, if not decades. In addition, many extremely important decentralization bills have 'stalled' at the level of the Constitution due to the war. But today one of them – No. 7283, which introduces the necessary effective instruments of democracy, MPs finally supported them," Shuliak said.
According to her, the bill provides for the introduction of public consultations, public discussions, general meetings of residents to influence decisions on issues of life of communities, including the formation and distribution of the local budget. In addition, a format is provided for local referendums that can be held after the end of martial law.
Shuliak said the bill also introduces mandatory open meetings of local deputies and the population of communities and the publication of reports on the activities of deputies.
The bill establishes mandatory approval of the charter of the territorial community. Local governments must approve the charter or bring it into compliance with the law in force until January 1, 2027, the MP said.