11:26 17.06.2024

President of European Commission: Freezing conflict today, while Russian troops occupy territory of Ukraine, is not answer

1 min read
President of European Commission: Freezing conflict today, while Russian troops occupy territory of Ukraine, is not answer

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen believes that today freezing the conflict while Russian troops occupy the territory of Ukraine is not the answer.

"We are here today to help bring an end to a brutal and unjust war. A conflict that has shattered lives and displaced millions. The echoes of Russia's war of aggression reverberate across the globe. Energy prices have soared. Food prices have exploded. And it is a cautionary tale for the entire world. Is it right that a larger country can invade and take territory from a smaller neighbour? The answer is of course no. It is written in the Charter of the United Nations," she said at the first plenary session of the global Peace Summit.

She stressed that the world must strictly adhere to the principles of the UN Charter.

"Freezing the conflict today, with foreign troops occupying Ukrainian land, is not the answer. In fact, it is a recipe for future wars of aggression," von der Leyen added.

In her opinion, it is necessary to maintain a holistic, just and lasting peace for Ukraine, which will restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity.