20:34 25.06.2024

FM of Belgian Presidency of EU: June 25 to go down in EU history

2 min read
FM of Belgian Presidency of EU: June 25 to go down in EU history

Foreign Minister of the Belgian EU Presidency Hadja Labib says that June 25, the day when Ukraine and Moldova began accession negotiations, will be a historic day for the European Union.

"In a few minutes we will begin two intergovernmental conferences to officially open (negotiations) on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova, their integration into the European Union. This is a historic day. This June 25 will go down in the history of the European Union, and I am very happy that this could happen under the presidency of Belgium," she said before the start of the intergovernmental conferences that will be held under her chairmanship.

Lahbib said the opening of negotiations was the result of long work, while thanking its participants. "Thanks also to Ukraine, which, despite the war, despite the extremely difficult situation, decided to continue the work of intensive reforms while they are under bombing, while their lives are under threat," the minister said.

Lahbib is also convinced that "this also sends a clear signal to Vladimir Putin, who tried to weaken Ukraine, confiscate its future, choose its future over the Ukrainians, that on the contrary, they are only moving closer to the European Union and moving towards this future with us."