16:33 27.06.2024

Michel: EU to support Ukraine in its actions following Peace Summit

1 min read
Michel: EU to support Ukraine in its actions following Peace Summit

President of the European Council, Charles Michel, says that after the Peace Summit, which was held in Switzerland on June 15-16, the European Union is determined to support Ukraine.

Opening the European Union summit in Brussels on Thursday, attended by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Michel recalled that an important Peace Summit was held in Switzerland not so long ago. “I would like to congratulate you and Ukraine on the result, on the outcome of this peace summit. This was important to rally a big part of the international community (0:50) to express our common support for the UN Charter, for the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of Ukraine,” the European Council President noted.

In addition, according to him, this summit was important in order “to identify some concrete consequences of the war for the world, and to try to engage with partners across the world, so that we can try to deliver and to make some progress in the humanitarian domain, in the field of the energy sector, in food security.”

“We are determined to support you so that there can be a useful follow-up following this meeting that took place in Switzerland,” Michel stated.