20:58 05.07.2024

ReWarm project for reform of district heating in Ukraine launched with support of Germany

2 min read


The project "Reforming the district heating sector in Ukraine (Reward)," implemented by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine with the support of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, officially launched on Friday, the press service of the Ministry of Reconstruction reports.

The release notes that the restoration and modernization of the heat supply system is a critical task, especially in war conditions. The task is not only to restore the infrastructure destroyed as a result of military operations, but also to increase the efficiency of heat supply in general.

The ReWarm project supports the development of a national renewable energy development strategy and the adaptation of the regulatory framework, as well as the pilot implementation of adapted business models for municipal companies in the field of renewable energy, including cost-covering socially compensated tariffs for district heating.

For the implementation of the ReWarm project, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany provides GIZ with an amount of up to EUR 4.5 million.

In addition, the German side will provide expert support for the projects. For its part, the Ministry of Reconstruction assumes, in particular, the function of project support and assistance in communication with local governments and heat supply companies on energy efficiency issues.

The ReWarm project is aimed at supporting the development of sustainable adapted infrastructure, including through the use of innovative approaches. This will increase energy efficiency and contribute to the decarbonization of the sphere. In particular, it is assumed that the implementation of the project will reduce CO2 emissions in the district heating sector by at least 19% for the period of 2019-2030.

Pilot projects under the ReWarm initiative will start in Kyiv, Odesa, Kryvyi Rih and Zviahel. On Friday, relevant memoranda were signed with representatives of the city authorities.