13:48 17.04.2019

Maintaining cooperation with IMF, intl partners important for Ukraine's economy – expert

2 min read

KYIV. April 17 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international partners is important for Ukraine both in economic and political aspects, Ph.D. in Economics, Chairman of the Board of Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting Ihor Burakovsky has said.

"There is economic growth in Ukraine, and it will be. It is important to maintain it and ensure that we all receive an increase in prosperity," he said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Wednesday.

According to Burakovsky, it is also important to keep working with Ukraine's international partners.

"Today we will not get away from cooperation with the IMF and foreign partners. This resource is important both in economic and political aspects," the expert said.

Speaking about the absence of slogans about deoligarchisation in the programs of presidential candidates in Ukraine, Burakovsky said: "Oligarchs are big enterprises. Almost half of Ukrainian industrial production is generated by more than 900 Ukrainian enterprises. These enterprises give more than half of tax revenues and, obviously, in the economy, they must use the same laws as all Ukrainian society."

At the same time, the expert said that the interests of the business must be protected. "Their interests abroad should be protected, because they are our manufacturers," he said.

However, Burakovsky considers it necessary to regulate the intervention of major businessmen in politics.

"The question arises with the intervention of the owners or those are affiliated to the owners of these enterprises in politics... This is also an issue about lobbying legislation, how to make it transparent, understandable and under the control of society," the expert said.