Ukraine expects to join European Convention on Common Transit in Q2 2022 – customs official

KYIV. Sept 23 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine's accession to the European Convention on a Common Transit Procedure is expected at the end of the second quarter of 2022, already in the third quarter Ukrainian enterprises will be able to go in transit through 35 countries on the principle of one vehicle - one transit declaration - one guarantor's undertaking, Director of the Department for the Implementation of the International Transit System of the State Customs Service Serhiy Demchenko has said.
During a roundtable entitled "Implementation of customs procedures in accordance with EU practice: what changes may Ukrainian business expect? Practical aspects" held at Interfax-Ukraine, he said that these are all EU countries, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, Turkey, Serbia, North Macedonia and the U.K.
The expert recalled that joining the Convention is stipulated by the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement and shall intensify international trade due to the establishment of joint transit procedures by Ukraine with the countries-members of the Convention and their use of a single technology – the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) system. This system allows the member countries to exchange customs data in real time and monitor goods at every stage of transportation.
"The common transit system provides for four main special transit simplifications for enterprises: the authorized consignor, the authorized consignee, special sealing and a guarantee," Demchenko said. He added that new approaches are being applied to the standard guarantee amount, which will reduce the amount when it is used by 50%, 70% or 100%.
To obtain simplifications in NCTS, the legislation provides for a special procedure. The guarantee can be provided by companies that have received the financial guarantor status. To submit a transit declaration to NCTS, a company needs to register on the Trader's Portal in the "personal account" on the "Single Window for International Trade" portal.
"Ukrainian legislation on common transit has already been generally shaped and is in line with the best European practices," International Key Expert on Customs reform of the EU4PFM Programme to improve Public Financial Management (PFM) in Ukraine, former Deputy Chairman of the Lithuanian Customs Service Vytenis Ališauskas said during the roundtable.
To date, more than 3,000 customs officials are registered in the system, more than 180 companies have access to the Trader's Portal, about 300 T1UA declarations have been submitted, three companies have received the financial guarantor status, and the Helpdesk operates.
As reported, NCTS is still used in Ukraine on a national scale. However, as a representative of the State Customs Service said, "enterprises that use NCTS (have submitted 50 or more declarations) can submit documents to the State Customs Service for simplifications, which will be valid even after Ukraine joins the Convention, that is, with the international application of the system."