Manifest 42 movement appeals to president with proposals to prevent law enforcement pressure on business

The public movement Manifest 42 addressed President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy with a number of proposals aimed at preventing corruption pressure from law enforcement officers on entrepreneurs.
"We welcome the attempt of the team of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to solve the problem of corruption pressure on business in three months. But now that the three months of the moratorium [the moratorium on blocking the work of businesses by law enforcement agencies] has ended, there is a risk of returning to the most shameful practices of violation 42 Article of the Constitution guaranteeing the right to entrepreneurial activity," states the movement's statement, announced at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine.
Representatives of the movement approached the president with a proposal to initiate an indefinite ban on procedural actions in criminal proceedings if such application could block the business activities of business entities, with the exception of cases related to national security.
Entrepreneurs also ask to recommend that the Prosecutor General's Office, the State Bureau of Investigations, the National Police of Ukraine, the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, and the Security Service of Ukraine carry out an ongoing audit of the restrictive measures taken in relation to business entities in criminal proceedings, determine the feasibility of their further application, as well as monthly report on closed cases based on audit results.
In addition, the movement requests that the Council for Entrepreneurship Support under the President of Ukraine under martial law be provided with everything that it lacks for the implementation of Decree No. 30/2024 in terms of a systemic analysis of the situation of ensuring the right to entrepreneurial activity, the practice of forming and implementing state policy on compliance guarantees of the right to entrepreneurship, and instruct the government to resume the practice of preliminary approval with business associations of socially significant initiatives that have an impact on the development of the Ukrainian economy.
"The attitude of the rear law enforces towards business as a corruption feeder remains the same as to the moratorium introduced by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The implementation of the Decrees of January 23 and January 26, 2024, aimed at protecting entrepreneurs under martial law, has been largely ignored," the statement emphasized.