Clear Energy intends to install 80 MW gas-piston generation by year end - head of supervisory board

The Clear Energy group of companies, engaged in the construction and operation of bio-thermal power plants, wind power plants, solar power plants, and landfill degassing stations, expects to implement several gas piston installation projects with a total capacity of 80 MW by the end of this year, said the chairman of the group’s supervisory board, Petro Bahriy.
“We are more actively starting to develop the direction of gas piston machines. We hope that by the end of this year we will be able to install approximately 80 MW of distributed generation. Machines are being shipped, installed, and staff is trained every day,” he said at a press conference on the development of distributed generation at the Interfax-Ukraine agency in Kyiv.
Bahriy added that the company’s experience in working with biogas and experience in operating gas piston machines running on biogas allows it to develop this area.
“We learned how to operate them, gained experience, trained the team, and now we are trying to respond to the next challenges the energy industry is facing,” he explained.
At the same time, the head of the supervisory board emphasized that “this is not a matter of business, but of the survival of the country.”
According to him, the business needs support, especially since it is ready to build generation not only for its own needs, but also for sale to the network.
At the same time, Bahriy suggested that the pace of provision of reserve genetic capacities to the state and utility sectors needs to be accelerated.
As reported, during the press conference, Bahriy noted that Clear Energy was not able to put into operation its 22 MW biomass thermal power plants, which were stopped in the middle of winter due to the lack of profitability of electricity production due to expensive fuel. He added that for this reason in total, 54 MW of wood chip stations are idle in the country, and expressed the opinion that it is necessary to look for a solution to provide such stations with fuel, the price of which is regulated by the State Forestry Agency.