Share of economic optimists among Ukrainians shrinks from 31% to 29.3% - survey

Some 29.3% of Ukrainians expect an improvement in the country's economic situation over the next two to three years, while in January of this year this share was 31%, according to a survey that was conducted on June 6-12 by the Sociological Service of the Razumkov Center and presented at a press conference hosted by Interfax-Ukraine News Agency on Wednesday.
The share of pessimists increased from 22.5% to 24.9%, those who do not expect changes – from 15.2% to 19.4%, while the share of those who find it difficult to answer decreased from 31.4% to 26.4%.
According to the survey, respondents showed slightly more negative dynamics regarding the forecast for the level of well-being of their family: the number of optimists decreased from 31.2% to 28.8%, and pessimists increased from 17.6% to 21.4%.
In addition, the share of those who do not expect changes increased from 17.9% to 22.3%, and the share of those undecided fell from 33.3% to 27.5%.
As for assessing the prospects for the country's economic state for the next three months, the changes here compared to January are not so big: 46% (45.8% in January) believe that the economic situation will not change, 34.4% (33.4%) expect it to worsen, and only 7% (6.6%) said it would improve.
Regarding the level of family well-being, 51.4% (49.1%) believe that it will not change, 27.8% (25.8%) – that it will worsen, and 6.9% (7.3%) – that it will improve.
According to the survey, the average respondents' assessment of the country's economic situation on a 5-point scale in June was 2.2 points versus 2.3% in January, while the well-being of their own family was 2.7 points, which corresponds to the level at the beginning of the year.
It is clarified that 38.5% of respondents have enough to live on, but purchasing durable items causes difficulties (42.2% in March).
Slightly fewer (37.5%) answer that they have enough for food and the purchase of inexpensive and necessary things (37.7% in March), 13% barely make ends meet and do not have enough money even for necessary products (11% in March), 8% live comfortably and are still unable to make some expensive purchases (previously – 7%).
At the same time, only 0.5% of respondents can afford to buy everything they want.
The survey was conducted by the Razumkov Center from June 6 to 12, 2024, as part of the Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement (ENGAGE) activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The survey is carried out by Pact in Ukraine.
The survey was conducted using the face-to-face method in 22 regions of Ukraine, as well as in Kyiv, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Kherson regions – only in those territories controlled by the government of Ukraine. Some 2,016 respondents aged 18 years and over were surveyed. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%. Additional systematic sampling deviations may be due to the consequences of Russian aggression, in particular, the forced evacuation of citizens.