20:00 11.11.2024

VI International TyphloForum “Development, Education and Rehabilitation of People with Visual Impairments: Current Challenges and Innovations”

3 min read

The VI International TyphloForum “Development, Education and Rehabilitation of People with Visual Impairments: Current Challenges and Innovations” is an event that will bring together representatives of educational and rehabilitation centers, scientists, typhlopedagogues, specialists of special educational institutions, rehabilitation specialists, NGOs, charitable foundations and everyone who works with children and adults with visual impairments.

It is a platform for discussing current needs, sharing experiences and innovative tools for the rehabilitation, adaptation and socialization of adults and children, military and civilians who have lost their sight as a result of military operations in Ukraine.

November 12, 2024

Location: Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Address: 31, Air Force Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine

Forum program:

Training, rehabilitation, adaptation of military personnel who have suffered visual impairment as a result of hostilities.
Psychological and pedagogical support and assistance for children with visual impairments and their parents.
Assistive technologies and innovations for people with visual impairments.
Leisure and employment of visually impaired people in Ukraine: problems and prospects.

November 13, 2024

Location: Educational and rehabilitation center “Trinity Hub”

Address: 25 Kyoto Street, Kyiv, Ukraine

Forum program:

Activation of opportunities: challenges and innovations in the education and rehabilitation of people with visual impairments in Ukraine and the world.
Innovative approaches to working with children with visual impairments.
Educational strategies for children with visual impairments in the context of today's challenges.
Strategic directions of development of the NGO “Association of Typhlopedagogues of Ukraine”.

Round table “Experience and innovations in the rehabilitation of people with visual impairments”:

Discussion of the experience of problems, achievements and innovations in the rehabilitation of civilians and military with visual impairment;
presentation of didactic tools in this area;
Presentation of the “Primer for Adults” project - a book and didactic material in a universal design that combines Braille and flat-printed enlarged font.
Forum organizers: Association of Action Psychologists of Ukraine; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture; Trinity Hub Educational and Rehabilitation Center; International Charitable Foundation “Health of the Future”.


Ukrainian Association of Typhlopedagogues of Ukraine
Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education of the Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University
Department of Psychology of the Educational and Research Institute of Law and Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Veteran Cluster of Ukraine
Institute of Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Professional Development of Veterans “Architecture of Resilience” of KNUBA

Application for participation - https://docs.google.com/file/d/1VxgTpCWsaVwrA_8fuquQtr5UmE7Q69f4/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword

Charitable contribution from participants

Expo zone with innovative products

Collection of abstracts and reports

Organizing committee: 066 252 82 77 Antony