09:33 23.03.2021

Vitalii Boiko will speak within exclusive panel organized by the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine on Smart Building Forum

2 min read

Vitalii Boiko, CEO and founder of Urban Experts, will be a speaker at the Smart Building Forum in a panel dedicated to architectural trends.

Due to quarantine restrictions, the discussion organized by the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine will take place separately in an online format on March 24th. And the Smart Building Forum will be postponed to April 21-22.

Vitalii Boiko will tell about high-yield objects and how to create an architecture in which they are ready to invest.

"Any product is created for the consumer. Architecture is an important but not the only aspect of a property as a product. Also is important the idea of the object and its business plan based on real market demand. Consumers of a commercial object are tenants, buyers, and visitors, institutional investors. Each of them has its own requirements for architecture. We know how to take into account their requests and at the same time create a highly profitable facility", Vitalii Boiko commented.

Vitalii Boiko has 20 years of experience in the real estate market, from the idea to their realization and management.

Deep knowledge of both local market and international experience allows offering clients expert advice in development, investment, asset management, construction and architecture, using the customer’s time, financial resources and property with 100 % efficiency.

In 2017 he was awarded as "Person of the Year in the real estate market" according to Eastern Europe Real Estate Project Awards, organized by Europaproperty.com and URE Club.

More than 700 consulting projects and 100 commissioned schemes across retail, office, mixed-use, residential,transport, hospitality sectors. The projects geography covers all CIS countries territory, including Ukraine, Belarus, Kazahstan, Cyprus and Baltic countries.

Author of the most ambitious projects: Ocean Plaza, Respublika Mall, Lavina Mall, Ocean Mall, Blockbuster Mall, Smart Plaza Polytech and Obolon, White lines mixed-use complex (commercial part), the main regional malls in Ukraine — Global UA (Zhytomyr), MOST City (Dniper), Oasis (Khmelnitskiy) and others. 

Registration link: http://bit.ly/3s2cuZR