International European University holds courses of thematic advanced training for doctors

Continuous professional development of medical specialists is a crucial aspect in ensuring the quality of health care. Only constant updates of knowledge and skills will result in high-end specialized training. You will be able to improve abilities, enhance the level of professional competence and obtain a certificate adding 25 scores to your professional portfolio (according to the Order of Ukraine No. №446 dd. 2019) in September 2021 at International European University.
International EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY implements the state concept of continuous professional growth of specialists. Thematic advanced training implies skills upgrading in certain sections of a corresponding specialty. Doctors undergo thematic advanced training between attestation cycles. The availability of the certificate of thematic advanced training is taken into account by assessment committees while considering qualification grade issues.
Patch testing, September 6-10
How to promptly and easily define the skin reaction to chemical substances and metals contained in surrounding items (cloths, care products, accessories, etc.) using a new patch testing technique? International European University will teach you to diagnose allergic and contact dermatitis.
You will obtain the following skills:
- carrying out of patch testing;
- detection of chronic dermatoses, sensitive skin syndrome;
- production of patch tests.
The course will be led by Tetiana Boichuk, a dermatovenerologist, children’s dermatologist, allergologist, dermato-oncologist, trichologist of MyDerm partner clinic.
Target audience: dermatologists, beauty specialists, allergologists, oncologists, family doctors; interns, resident doctors, postgraduate and medical students.
Dermatoscopy, September 13-17
A possibility to learn to diagnose skin diseases using a dermatoscope, see and analyze healthy skin and pathology, detect cell changes that can lead to tragic consequences: all of this and even more can be discovered at the course of thematic advanced training for health professionals by International European University.
You will obtain the following skills:
- dermatoscopic ABC;
- detection of determatoscopic signs of melanocytic and non-melanocytic formations;
- melanoma detection algorithm.
The course will be led by Yulian Krul, a surgeon, phlebologist, plastic surgeon, oncologist, and Denys Sylenko, a dermatovenerologist, dermatologist, dermato-oncologist, trichologist of MyDerm partner clinic.
Target audience: dermatologists, beauty specialists, family doctors; interns and medical students.
Punch biopsy, September 20-24
An excellent opportunity to find out how to diagnose skin diseases: to detect and diagnose healthy skin and its pathology, determine skin changes at early stages, which can result in tragic consequences.
You will obtain the following skills:
- carrying out of punch biopsy;
- possibilities for interaction between practicing dermatologists and technologists;
- adoption of efficient methods for treatment and diagnostics of skin diseases based on achievements of local and foreign specialists.
The course will be led by Yulian Krul, a surgeon, phlebologist, plastic surgeon of MyDerm partner clinic.
Target audience: surgeons, clinical oncologists, dermatologists, beauty specialists, family doctors; interns, resident doctors, postgraduate and medical students.
Trichology, September 27 – October 1
How to recognize healthy hair and diagnose its pathologies, detect hair bulb changes that can lead to tragic consequences? To take a course by International European University and learn to diagnose hair diseases.
You will obtain the following skills:
- diagnostics of damaged hair;
- practical working out of hair rehabilitation procedures;
- solution of various problems related to hair and scalp.
The course will be led by Kuzma Khobzei, a dermatologist at the Kuzma Khobzei Clinic, trichologist, surgical hair restoration specialist.
Target audience: trichologists, beauty specialists, family doctors, interns and medical students.
ENT-organ diseases in the context of the interdisciplinary approach, October 4-8
It is easy to see and analyze diseases and pathologies, detect changes in sensory organ functions, which can result in tragic consequences, using diagnostics of reflector diseases. It can be learnt at the course by International European University.
You will obtain the following skills:
- otorhinolaryngologic ABC;
- pathology detection algorithm;
- technique for ENT-organ endoscopic examination.
The course will be led by Viktor Zaichenko, an otorhinolaryngologist of superior expert category, children’s otorhinolaryngologist, and Yaroslav Shkoba, an otorhinolaryngologist of superior expert category, children’s otorhinolaryngologist at Smart partner clinic.
Target audience: otorhinolaryngologists, general practitioners, family doctors, pediatricians, interns, resident doctors, laboratory doctors of primary care setting institutions, postgraduate and medical students.
Diseases of male organs in the practice of family doctors, October 11-15
You will be able to explore contemporary recommendations for diagnostics, treatment and preventive measures of male organ diseases based on evidentiary medicine, namely, clinical recommendations by such reputed world organizations as the American Urological Association (AUA) and the European Association of Urology (EAU), in October at the advanced training course by International European University.
You will obtain the following skills:
- diagnostics of male organ diseases;
- treatment schemes, conservative and surgical treatment;
- preventive measures and elimination of complications;
The course will be led by Vadym Kozlov, a urologist at Health Harmony medical center, andrologist, sexual health specialist, honored doctor of Ukraine.
Target audience: urologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, general practitioners, family doctors, postgraduate and medical students.
Mode of study of all thematic advanced training courses for doctors:
mixed (offline and online), duration: 5 days.
- we develop educational programs at the postgraduate level at the request of specialists in a real-time mode (current moment);
- we involve the best international and leading professionals of private, public, municipal institutions of Ukraine in educational services;
- we comply with evidence-based medicine principles in the organization of continuous professional growth of doctors;
- “Not only find but also can.” We understand the importance of developing practical skills and abilities using the potential of the associate clinic and cutting-edge simulation center.
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