14:16 23.10.2018

Ukrainian Armed Forces received new batch of repaired Uragan MLRS - Poroshenko

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Ukrainian Armed Forces received new batch of repaired Uragan MLRS - Poroshenko

The state-owned Shepetivka Repair Plant (part of the Ukroboronprom State Concern) has completed the repair of another batch of 220mm Uragan multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and handed them over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.

"The Ukrainian Armed Forces have received a new batch of repaired Uragan multiple launch rocket systems. This is one of the long-range and most powerful multiple launch rocket systems used by our military. Within 20 seconds, the Uragan can make a full volley of 16 missiles, which will reliably hit targets at a distance of up to 35 kilometers," Poroshenko wrote on his Facebook page on Monday and posted a respective video.

At the same time, Ukroboronprom reported that during the repair, the plant had fully restored all components and assemblies of the Uragan MLRS and successfully completed acceptance tests in the presence of the customer.

Noting the advantages and tactical and technical characteristics of the MLRS of this type, the concern's press service noted that bringing the system to combat state takes only three minutes, which in combination with the highly mobile 8x8 chassis helps quickly move to the position, strike the enemy and avoid return fire.


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