15:30 14.06.2023

Canada opens its market for Ukrainian dairy products

1 min read
Canada opens its market for Ukrainian dairy products

Canada has opened its market for Ukrainian products, in particular milk and dairy products, the press service of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection has reported.

"Thanks to the joint work of the State Food and Consumer Service and the Foreign Ministry, a new market has been opened for the sale of Ukrainian-made products, namely milk and dairy products to Canada," the report says.

Explanations to the requirements of Canadian legislation regarding manufacturers of dairy products and those specified in the biosecurity certificate are published on the official web portal of the State Food and Consumer Service.

You can get acquainted with the form of the certificate for the export of milk and dairy products, agreed by the competent authorities of both countries, on the official website of the State Consumer Service in the section "International cooperation" under the heading "Certificates for export from Ukraine."

To start exporting food products, the market operator is obliged to apply to the territorial office of the service at the location of production facilities.