19:02 28.08.2023

Ukraine ranks 28th in world in wine production – analysts

1 min read

Ukraine ranks 28th in the world in terms of wine production as of 2022, the CASE Ukraine Center for Socio-Economic Research reported.

"As of 2022, we produced 660,000 hectoliters, or 0.26% of the global wine market," experts state.

According to the report, the first place belongs to Italy with 49.843 million hectoliters, which is 19.3% of the total world production, the second - France (45.59 million hectoliters, 17.65%), and the third - Spain (35.7 million hectoliters, 13.83%).

Analysts attributed the destruction of vineyards in the days of the Soviet Union during the period of the struggle against alcoholism to the reasons for low wine production by Ukraine, as well as the transformation by the Russian Federation since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 of the wine-growing area of Kherson and Mykolaiv regions into the frontline zone, as well as the lack of a land market until 2020, and the presence of restrictions for the acquisition of land by legal entities and foreign investors.