Cherkasyoblenergo to implement pilot project to use RES generation for thermal energy

PJSC Cherkasyoblenergo, after the end of the war, intends to implement a pilot project for using electricity produced in installations with renewable energy sources (RES generation) for electric heating in heat supply systems.
According to a company press release, technical documentation is currently being developed, and the project itself will be implemented after the end of the war.
“Innovation is important, but today the main tasks of state operators of distribution systems are maintaining networks and equipment in proper condition for reliable power supply to consumers and helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We will introduce large-scale investment programs in the post-war reconstruction of the country,” said chairman of the board of Cherkasyoblenergo Oleh Samchuk.
As the company informed, scientists from the General Energy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Education and Research Institute of Energetics and Automation of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP) completed the first stage of research work “Increasing the efficiency and safety of the integrated power system by electrification of heat supply in Ukraine."
The goal of the work is to create a model for the distribution of electricity from renewable energy sources, which will reduce the costs of maintaining frequency and balancing the market.
According to the scientists, during 2020-2021, the annual damage to the Ukrainian energy system from maintaining frequency and maneuvering the main generating capacities to reserve energy from renewable energy sources, together with systemic losses of the energy system, amounted to $10.27 billion.
Cherkasyoblenergo noted that the scientists propose using electricity produced at solar power plants, wind power plants and biofuel directly for electric heating in heat supply systems, since electric boilers do not require standardized power quality indicators.
“As a result, the volume of electricity purchases to maintain frequency in the unified energy system of Ukraine will be significantly reduced,” said Vitaliy Babak, director of the General Energy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.