13:09 18.12.2024

SBI: Head of Ukraine's Gambling Regulation Commission detained for supporting Russian-owned online casinos

2 min read
SBI: Head of Ukraine's Gambling Regulation Commission detained for supporting Russian-owned online casinos

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) of Ukraine confirmed the detention of the head of Ukraine's Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries on charges of supporting the operations of Russian-owned online casinos in Ukraine.

"SBI officers detained the head of the Commission on suspicion of aiding the aggressor state and the illegal possession of large quantities of narcotics without intent to sell (Articles 111-2 and 309 of Ukraine's Criminal Code)," the SBI stated on its website.

According to the investigation, the Commission, under the leadership of the detained official, intentionally refrained from revoking the licenses of an online gambling business whose ultimate owners are Russian citizens. The organization's representatives allegedly assisted the aggressor state.

"Despite numerous expert findings indicating that the activities of the online casino posed a threat to national security, no decision was made to revoke its license," the statement said.

The SBI highlighted that the personal data of Ukrainian military personnel who were clients of the casino could have easily fallen into Russian hands.

The investigation also revealed that an individual directly overseeing the casino's operations funded veterans of Russia's so-called "Special Military Operation" following the full-scale invasion.

The casino in question continues to operate on Russian territory and through Russian web platforms.

The court has ordered pretrial detention for the beneficial owners of the online casino, its director, and the owner of the brand and domain name. They have been charged under Article 111-2 of Ukraine's Criminal Code, relating to aiding the aggressor state.

"The SBI, in collaboration with other authorized agencies, is taking steps to transfer the seized funds, managed by the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA), to the state treasury under applicable legislation," the statement continued.

The SBI also noted that the court had granted a motion by the SBI and the Prosecutor General's Office to transfer over UAH 2.6 billion (the total sum of seized assets, including profitable financial transactions) from the online casino's accounts linked to representatives of the aggressor state to ARMA.

"During searches, a large quantity of narcotics – cocaine – was found and seized from the Commission official," the statement added.