17:15 09.12.2014

Cabinet suggests changing rules for accreditation and licensing of universities – Yatseniuk

2 min read
Cabinet suggests changing rules for accreditation and licensing of universities – Yatseniuk

The Ukrainian government, in its action program, has suggested evaluating higher education establishments based on the quality of education provided. Moreover, the assessment of higher education institutions must be independent.

The Cabinet of Ministers has suggested changing the rules for accreditation and licensing of universities, Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said at a sitting of the government on Tuesday.

"...There was a discussion on shutting down universities. We have a different suggestion: let's determine the quality of education in these universities. The ones of poor quality will be eliminated. The high quality ones will issue actual diplomas instead of pieces of paper, and give people opportunities to find jobs in Ukraine in the future instead of registering at an unemployment service," Yatseniuk said.

The PM noted the necessity of fundamental changes to the system that provides government subsidies for students.

According to Yatseniuk, the labor market, and the needs of Ukraine's economy will be directly connected to government's subsidies allocated from the state budget to pay for the training of experts in important fields.

The Premier noted that a comprehensive law on education covering non-formal, school and vocational training would be introduced to parliament.

"The government will introduce a new comprehensive law on education to solve all these relevant issues," he stated.