Avakov offers to arrest BRSM-Nafta property until state damage is compensated

Interior Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov offered to arrest BSRM-Nafta company's property to guarantee a civil claim against the company to ensure compensation for damage caused by the illegal activities of the owners of BRSM-Nafta, in connection with the fire at its oil depot in Kyiv region.
"There is an additional proposal – to arrest the property as a pledge of filing a state's claim," he said during a meeting of the state commission for technogenic and ecological safety and emergencies in Kyiv on Monday.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said the proposal is an "absolutely right and wise measure."
He said that the Interior Ministry must complete the inquiry and giver the courts materials concerning the owners of BRSM to bring them to account, including those "who issued permissions and signed all these documents."