Russia not notified about investigation results of Voronenkov assassination

Kyiv's Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) refutes information spread in Russian media about the alleged transfer of information by the PGO to Russia about the organizers of the murder of former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov.
"The information disseminated in the Russian media that the Ukrainian prosecutors' offices informed the Russian side about the results of the investigation into the murder of former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov is untrue," spokeswoman for the Kyiv prosecutor's office, Nadia Maksymets, wrote on Facebook onThursday.
"We inform you that at this time the investigation is ongoing. It is being carried out by the prosecutor's office of the city of Kyiv. It is in its final stage, and the results will be announced in the near future," the representative of the city's prosecutor's office said.
As reported, Voronenkov was killed in the center of Kyiv on March 23. Murderer Pavlo Parshov was wounded by the guard of the former deputy and later died in hospital.
Voronenkov's murderer had an accomplice Yaroslav Levenets, who has been wanted for economic crimes since 2012. Tarasenko is suspected of committing a crime pursuant to the article of the Ukrainian Criminal Code dealing with premeditated murder. He was detained on June 16.
Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said in early September that the assassin's paymaster is in Russia and has active contacts with criminal gangs and special services.