Chumak introduces prosecutors of Rivne and Ternopil regions

Deputy Prosecutor General, Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Viktor Chumak has introduced newly the appointed prosecutors of Rivne and Ternopil regions, Anton Voitenko and Petro Boiko, to the personnel.
According to the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, Chumak outlined the key tasks of the prosecution agencies in the near future.
"They include effective fulfillment of duties determined by law, restoration of confidence in the prosecution agencies and the law enforcement system in general among the population. He also said that professionalism and honesty will be the main criteria of attestation for regional and local prosecutors," the press service said.
Anton Voitenko was born on October 22, 1984 in Uman, Cherkasy region. He graduated from the National Yaroslav Mudry Law Academy and has been working for various prosecution agencies since 2007.
Petro Boiko was born on July 23, 1985 in Chernihiv. He has been working for various prosecution agencies since 2010.